Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18

Logan is constantly on my mind since he's not here with me physically. Abby has transformed into my (not so) little buddy lately, and she's always telling me what's going on and how she's feeling (because whether she means to or not, I can usually decipher what she means when she talks). Brady is my baby. And Isaac is... Isaac. I hate to admit it, but he's usually the one who fades into the background, probably because he's such an exceedingly kind boy who doesn't need or command a lot of supervision. So it was nice to have a few minutes of alone-time with him this evening while Adam ferried Brady off to the restroom at Costco.

I'm so proud of this kid. He's always the first to help out, and wants to try all sorts of activities, from baseball to running to the garden club to being a kindness ambassador at school. And he never demands recognition for what he chooses to do; he just does things because he feels like he should do them.

He's a blessing, bar none.

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