Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15

I don't know exactly when I acquired this photo, but it features my grandma, grandpa, me, and my two brothers celebrating my grandmother's 65th birthday back in 1987. Today --exactly 29 years after this image was snapped-- she turned 94 years old.

My grandma was an incredibly important person to me when I was growing up. I stayed with her and my grandpa for a time when I was very young, and then we lived with them for a few years when I was in elementary school. I remember her staying with me when I was sick and sitting with her and grandpa while they watched "Wheel of Fortune" each evening and putting on plays for her with my brother. I remember putting her hair in curlers and joining her for walks 'round and 'round the circular portion of their driveway on summer evenings and sitting with her behind the table of the clothing department at the county fair.

And beyond all of that, I remember the powerful way that her faith guided both her words and her decisions. She and my mom are without doubt very different people, but they're also two of the strongest, most faithful women in my life, and I'm deeply thankful that God blessed me with both of them.

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