Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 6

We did as we always do on Sundays and visited Logan's grave after church. It's considered a "pioneer cemetery" which, in a nutshell, means the city doesn't do much of anything to keep the grounds looking particularly nice so the ground is often dry and barren. But the recent rains at long last fed the earth and brought some greenery to life.

I was especially gratified to see grass growing amid the other little plants. I planted those grass seeds months ago, back when the ground was hard and dry and largely impenetrable. At first, I watered them faithfully, but months went by and nothing ever happened. Despite my best efforts, the conditions simply weren't right for them to sprout. Eventually, I stopped trying to force them to grow, though I was always conscious that they were there. But then today... grass. From the seeds I planted.

It reminded me of an important truth: we should never stop planting seeds of faith just because it seems that they're falling on soil that couldn't possibly yield life. Ultimately, it's God who causes those plants to grow, and not us.

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