Sunday, February 9, 2020

February 9

Here's a truth: I often don't feel like I have much of an impact on the world around me. I worry that I'm not doing enough or that I'm missing out on obvious opportunities to share the Gospel in non-obtrusive ways (because I know that the in-your-face style isn't everyone's cup of tea). So I was interested to find that this morning's sermon spoke directly to that concern:

It reminded me that my job isn't necessarily to write a complete symphony -- it's just to contribute a note or two here or there. And it's not my job to rewrite someone else's story for him or her -- it's about planting seeds that will (prayerfully) grow into much bigger, much more fruitful plants that will enrich that story some day. It's my job to realize that small acts can indeed make a difference.

So this evening, I'm grateful for a God who counts granules of sand and sees the enormous potential encapsulated within a single mustard seed.

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