Friday, July 22, 2022

July 22

Today was a dad-joke slash pun-in-the-making.

We started off by fulfilling Abby's wish to visit the Jelly Belly Factory, so we loaded into the car in the morning and headed up to Fairfield. We toured the factory, sniffed the peachy air, and purchased some tasty souvenirs. (I'm not a huge jelly bean person, but I decided to try the mint chocolate chip variety and it is yum-my. I could eat those all day long.) From there, we fulfilled yet another of her dreams --this one for strawberry shortcake pancakes-- by stopping at a nearby Denny's for lunch. It was pretty legit as far as Denny'ses go.

Then we headed back home, where I fell asleep (food coma) and awoke in time to text with Lee to arrange a meet-up with Kole (Bellon, which fulfils the aforementioned pun: it was a Belly-Bellon day), her very longtime friend who moved to Iowa several years ago. That's Kole, Abby and Ryan (who Abby has also known for a long, long time, and who graduated from high school with her last month) at the park this evening. I can still clearly remember them as very little people --preschool for Kole, first grade for Ryan-- running around the playground laughing, so it gave me a strong sense of nostalgia to see them (standing awkwardly) together again as 18 and 17-year olds. Adults and almost-adults on the brink of heading off to college. Kind of a big deal. Definitely a blessing.

So yes, it was a Belly-Bellon day. And a good day. And I am thankful for the moments with family and old friends.

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