Friday, July 8, 2022

July 8

It's been a busy week for my girl. Yesterday she received her dorm and roommate assignment, which spurred a late-night mini-frenzy of DMs between her and Hannah in South Korea. (An international student who hasn't lived in the US since she was 6! Cool, I think.) She also went for a long impromptu walk with a guy friend from high school she hadn't seen in a while. And then this morning, she got up early to register for her fall semester classes. She has so much credit from AP tests that she's starting her freshman year with nearly enough hours to be considered a sophomore. (Mom-brag there for sure, but I'm proud that her studiousness literally paid off!)

Anyhow, Brady has a tournament this weekend so when she asked if we could do our usual Saturday shopping trip today, I said sure. 

It was a brief one --just Crumbl for a sampling of the week's menu (patriotic birthday cake, smores, apple pie, and raspberry Icee -- all good, I thought) followed by a jump over to the Target that's just across the street-- but it was good nonetheless.

I pray every day that God will be with her in mighty ways when she goes off to Wheaton and that she will know how awesome she is. Because my likely biased mom-ness notwithstanding, she is.

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