Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 30

Logan's 16th birthday is tomorrow. I haven't spent much time thinking about it because there's just so much going on that I don't have enough brain juice available to process what it means. So there it sits on the horizon, waiting on me to feel the impact of its arrival in just a few hours' time. But I'm getting ahead of myself. That's tomorrow.

Today, for its part, was full. I met with my prayer shawl ladies this morning and mostly just listened as they chatted with one another and responded when they sent a question my way. Then it was on to coffee with Pam from church (hi Pam!), who had an important question for me that I'll be mulling for the next week.

And then this evening, we attended Brady's team party at the (blessedly nearby) home of one of his teammates. I was tired --exhausted, really, over the impending birthday and Abby's departure for college-- when we arrived. But by the time we pointed the car toward home a few hours later, I felt energized by laughter and fun conversation with some of the moms.

So yes, it was a full day. And yes, I don't know how I feel about tomorrow. I don't know if I'll wake up feeling sad or happy or some other emotion that doesn't yet have a name. But I'm grateful for the hours and I'm grateful for the people who come into my life to teach me important lessons and to help me to grow into the woman God designed me to be.

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