Friday, October 28, 2022

October 28

I'm still mostly awake, I think. Probably. Or at least awake enough to be able to appreciate that just across the room, Brady is fully transfixed by the soothing voice of Bob Ross bringing something or other to life on canvas. 

Anyway, today was day one of our time in Wheaton. Adam got up extra specially early to deal with our rental car situation and fortunately, was able to secure a vehicle here in town. (Thank you, God.) 

We headed over to campus at around 9, and came upon Abby and some friends as they walked toward breakfast. She spotted us from afar and yelled out "is that my family?!" as she began running in our direction. I responded in kind, even though I have lousy knees and look like a brunette Phoebe Buffay when I run. And we literally ran into a hug. There were hugs for everyone and a lift-and-spin for Brady (top left). And all felt well in my soul.

She headed off to eat while we hit up the welcome table for some swag (Altoids, anyone?) and then to secure seats for chapel (top middle). The worship leader for the day was Matt Redman, and his wife, Beth, gave a message on rest inspired by the story of Mary and Martha. Both were powerful experiences; as Isaac later mused, he'd never been in a room with so many Christians at one time singing worship songs. 

Abby had class until 2:05, so we were on our own after chapel let out. We opted to dine on campus, so we booked it over to the dining hall, where I found Abby's friend Laura (lower right) who was apparently very eager to meet us. (She was actually looking around for us when I saw her.) We lingered over lunch for quite some time as the boys --particularly Isaac-- learned of the joys of an unlimited buffet. 

Following a quick stop at a siblings welcome event (where Brady snagged his cool orange shades), we went outside to wait for Abby's class to end. The boys made leaf angels (think snow angels on the grass) and then Isaac make a big leaf heart before she emerged, starving and eager to head over to get lunch. After she lunched we walked over to her dorm but since it was only 3ish and it wasn't open to visitors until 4, we sat outside. The boy-folk played volleyball with Laura (who appeared and asked if she could play) and then we trooped back to the car so Abby could reunite with BearBear. (It was a touching scene.) 

From there we headed back to her dorm. Her roommate was out, but we got to see her room, which I will confirm is huge. And tastefully pink. And then we went to dinner at Giordano's, because Abby was eager for pizza. And then it was back to campus for her and back to the hotel for the rest of us. And now it's about the soothing voice of Bob Ross and the tap, tap, tap of his titanium white paint hitting the canvas. 

It was a good day. A great day, really. It was beautiful and sunny and surprisingly warm outside. And it was beautiful and wonderful to see my girl again. So today, I am thankful for all of the above -- even Bob Ross. But especially for the time with my people.

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