Sunday, August 13, 2023

August 8

It’s only 9:45 but I’m legit exhausted. Abby and I ran around quite a lot today: the Mother Ship (duh), her friend Meredith’s house to pick up her sheets and a few other sundries she’d left with her over the summer, Target, Walmart, another Target, Arbys for lunch, her friend Laura’s house for different items left over the summer (which morphed into a quick but very pleasant visit with Laura’s very welcoming parents --one of whom was her stats professor last semester-- too). 

Then I dropped Abby at school so she could spend some time with her good pal Jakob while I sat on a black eyed Susan-buffered bunch on campus and absorbed the temperate late-day air. (It was quite lovely out.) She then walked said-boy over to meet me and after we exchanged pleasantries (and I probably scared him with my overt extroversion), she and I headed to Giordanos for pizza. Giordanos makes a mean deep dish pie, but I was so pooped by the time we got there that Abby mused that I sounded like tipsy-mom, even though nary a drop of alcohol had touched my lips. And now we’re back at the hotel.

So that was the physical busy-ness of today. But there was also emotional business that, at times, made the hours less enjoyable then they should have been. I’m learning that it’s hard watching your child become an adult and make her own decisions, especially when I would probably do it differently. But I’m trying to let go of the vestiges of that control I once had over her life and instead trust that she will do what’s right in the eyes of God. Because ultimately, she should listen to Him before she listens to me anyhow! 

For that truth —the reality that God has a good plan for her and for all of us— I’m grateful and relieved. And I'm grateful that my girl knows that, too, because that knowledge will take her immeasurably further than I could ever imagine.

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