Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10

I chatted with a friend as we waited for Abby's teacher to emerge this morning to take the kiddos inside for the day. At one point, one of the fourth graders floated over to us and excitedly pointed skyward. I looked up and saw this:

You may have to squint pretty hard to see it, but it's a rainbow.

Only it wasn't rainy. Cloudy, but not a drop of moisture in sight.

The little girl was giddy over noticing it, and it was cute watching other little heads turn skyward as she buzzed around the line like a busy worker bee sharing her happy observation. I marveled over it and what it meant and why it was there.

Inevitably, I didn't have any grand revelations about why it showed up when it did or why Abby's classmate was so eager to share it with everyone else.

But I always feel a measure of awe when I see a rainbow.

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