Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22

This may be a little hard to follow and it may not make complete sense, but bear with me.

After I took Brady to preschool this morning, I went to water Logan's flowers. As I often do, I asked him to make his presence known to me, if he could. And then I drove off and got on with my day.

After stopping off at the grocery store, I wandered into Hallmark. They have these cute little Disney animatronics that work together to form a Christmas band, and I decided to get a piece because I knew Brady would love it. To get the best price, I had to buy something else, so I looked around the store. A saleswoman approached and pointed out this ornament, which is indeed very pretty.

As she rang me up, she told me that she'd gotten that particular ornament for her son's mother in law, who is a cancer survivor. I felt a wave of sadness, and then brushed it off and finished the transaction. Just as I was getting ready to turn and leave, she stopped me and said, very randomly, that I looked very good in blue.

I didn't freeze, but came close to it. Blue was Logan's favorite color. As a result, I wear shades of blue frequently, but no one ever remarks on it. So it was remarkable that this random saleswoman just happened to appreciate my very boring blue jacket today, just an hour after I asked Logan to say hi.

It's a small thing. But it gave me a little burst of joy.

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