Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9

This day was not without its frustrations. I was scheduled to interview actress Madeleine Stowe ("Revenge," "Last of the Mohicans") this morning, but my phone was misbehaving and stubbornly refused to ring when the studio tried to call me, which caused me no small amount of annoyance and consternation as my time slot came and went. The Little Boys were extra-specially whiny and aggressive. And I discovered the source of the virtual swarm of yellowjackets that emerged during yesterday's high temperatures: a pair of nests in the dryer duct on the side of our house.

Of course, as Isaac unknowingly reminded me by cheerfully yelling out "HELLO!" to everything we passed by (and I mean everything -- think light poles, speed limit signs, trees, all of it) on our drive home this evening, it's important to stay positive. And he's right, because things do generally work themselves out.

So how did my issues work out today? The studio finally reached me and my time slot was moved back, my phone finally decided to start ringing again, and Madeleine was a total delight. In my attempt to keep the boys from attacking each other in the lobby during Abby's dance class, we went for a walk down an entirely new street and they had fun gathering sticks and rocks. And the wasp issue? Our pest management service came by and removed the nests this afternoon, so (hopefully!) no more yellowjackets.

So yeah... attitude (and faith) are so important. And I'm thankful for the reminder.

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