Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2

None of the kiddos had school today, so when I got up this morning, I asked if they wanted to go out for brunch. My query was met with an extremely unusual response: a unanimous yes!. (Seriously, getting them to agree on one thing is like pulling firmly rooted teeth.) So out we went.

On the way home, I was sitting at a red light when I looked over and saw a long line of Corvettes waiting to turn from a side street out onto the main drag.

When their light changed, I watched in awe as Vette after Vette passed by. I could imagine Logan sitting in one of the seats behind me, observing and admiring every yellow, red, black, silver, and grey car as it coursed by. I enjoyed the scene both on behalf of him, and in a way, with him.

Those moments when I feel an extra special connection my Sunshine are so special to me.

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