Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7

I saw this license plate as I sat at a red light in town this morning, and felt compelled to take a photo. And that image really --truly-- shaped my entire morning. God moved through those simple words in ways that were both humbling and unexpected.

With errands in mind, I first went to Walmart, where I saw a friend I hadn't seen in some time. I was sad to hear that her mom is ill, but hope that my feeble words were of some small measure of comfort to her. From there, I went to the mall, where I bought some little die-cast cars that I'll donate to Children's Hospital at some point in the near future; I'd been kicking around the idea of starting a little not-for-profit in Logan's memory, and it seemed like as good a time as any to get started. The store wasn't busy and the cashier asked if I was going to make someone happy with those cars, so I told her my plans. And she, in return, shared her own struggle with her daughter's unspecified but frustrating illness. And again, I had the chance to be an encourager.

And then it was on to Bath and Body Works for some hand gel. I shook my head and almost chuckled aloud when I walked in and saw yet another familiar face. I hadn't really met this person before, but we run in similar circles and I know she's been working with an amazing ministry, so I felt compelled to stop and thank her for her work and dedication, and for heeding the call on her life to do something great. My third chance to encourage in a two-hour period.

I walked out of the mall feeling a sense of elation that I hadn't felt in quite some time. If God directs you to do something --to talk to someone, to buy someone a coffee-- don't ask questions or make excuses: just do it. Do great. We all have the ability to be a blessing to someone else, and I hope that's what I did today for those placed in my path.

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