Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12

Sometimes the complete and entirely random way that my kids think makes me giggle. This afternoon, Brady was playing a video game while I was reading email. At one point, he ran into the room and asked me to take a picture of something. I was confused, but also quite curious about what had so piqued his interest that he needed to commemorate it, so I grabbed my phone and joined him in what the kiddos affectionately call "The Wii Room." (Us grown-ups call it "The Living Room.") This was the scene that demanded preservation:

It's Mickey Mouse and some other creature. He rattled off an explanation in rapid-fire video game terminology. I had no idea what he was talking about, and even now, hours later, I still have no idea. But you know something? I loved his enthusiasm so much that it made me smile. And I also loved the little smile he flashed when I showed him the photo. I have no idea what he plans to do with it, but I don't care: that grin and his excitement made for a wonderful 'living in the moment' experience for me. And given how often I live in the future (and truthfully, the past), those little reminders to enjoy the present are priceless.

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