Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4

Despite all of the "May the 4th be with you" nonsense going around (because UGH NO), today was a lovely day, I think. I had a productive morning that didn't feel rushed, actually had fun at baseball practice (but we totally need to start doing yoga, Steph), and the kids were generally well-behaved enough that I didn't so much as bat an eye when Adam texted to tell me he'd be really late. Then driving home from picking up dinner, I looked up and saw that the sky looked like this:

I took the picture while I was sitting at a red light, so it's not the best ever, but I love the whole "inverted rainbow around the sun" thing. It's a phenomenon that I don't see particularly often, and for some reason, when I do, the sight fills me with a sense of awe. It's like God Himself is wrapping the sun in a hug. The idea may sound corny, but I think it's pretty darn cool.

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