Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25

My last preschool co-op date was today. I didn't let myself think about it too much since I didn't want to start crying, so I put on a smile and went about my duties for the morning. One of them was helping the kids to glue colorful buttons on crosses. At some point, when I was between kiddos, the preschool director, Kelly, walked into the room carrying a huge box of buttons. (And I mean seriously large. The little cup in the photo had nothing on the tub.) I'm not sure why I did it because I had plenty of buttons right in front of me, but I got up and wandered over to have a look. And then, before I knew what I was doing, I reached into the tub and pulled out a button that was upside down, just because I thought its shape was intriguing. I had to stifle a laugh when I flipped it over and this was staring up at me from the palm of my hand:

A car, of all things. Of all of the round, oval, square, scalloped, bronzed, matte, and glossy buttons in that container, I pulled out the one shaped like a little car; the 'shape' that Logan --the kid who by age three was able to identify the symbol for every car he saw-- loved to draw and re-draw more than any other. My heart skipped a beat (or three) and Kelly said something about it turning into a blog entry (you know it!).

It was another "I'm here" moment to remind me of my Sunshine as we're preparing to move on from the preschool. And also a reminder that God is everywhere --even in the tiny details-- and that even though life is anything but funny sometimes, He still has a pretty good sense of humor. And beyond even that, it's a reassurance that He meets us where we are, and with the comforts and reassurances that we need.

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