Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16

I am so happy that Abby has found her Thing, even if that Thing appears to be drama.

I think I first mentioned it last fall, but she's taking a musical theater dance class this year and she could not possibly love it more than she does. She loves it so much that she almost literally glows while she's performing. And I'll tell you something: it's definitely good for her, but it's almost as good for me.

Watching her rehearse for her "Hairspray" themed recital routine takes me back in time in a big, sweet, happy, nostalgic, bittersweet way. Before Logan died, my girl was a huge performer. She practiced her recital routines to both "Good Ship Lollipop" and "Rockin' Robin" until she had them down pat. When she was really little, she nearly drove me nuts by repeatedly rehearsing her "Outrigger Island" VBS songs and talking about how when she was a big girl, she'd be a hula girl. So she's always been a performer, but it's like she took a break --a long, self-imposed hiatus-- when she lost her best friend. I don't know if performing lost its spice for her or if she felt like she was being disloyal to him by continuing to enjoy the arts or if something entirely different drove her disinterest, but it's so amazingly good to see that long-dormant part of her personality re-emerge.

I think Logan would definitely approve. And he would be so, so proud of her for continuing to live in a big, bold way.

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