Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31

When Adam and the Little Boys went to Costco a few weeks ago, the store was collecting donations for CMN hospitals. Since Logan was treated at a CMN hospital, we always make a contribution and write his name on a balloon. This year was no different, and this evening, we saw that paper balloon up on the wall as we were checking out. It's the mid-sized one right between the two hands:

Those years were the hardest of my life by far, but not because of where he was or the people we met while he was there. In fact, the people were what made the whole process --and the reality of what was happening-- bearable. I'm sure it's hard on them to watch the little people they care for suffer, and I'm sure it's hard on them to watch some of them die. But I'm thankful that they were given hearts that are big enough and bright enough to rebound from the sad moments as they come.

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