Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 16

I have a dry, oft-sarcastic sense of humor, but my girl. Oh, my girl. She absolutely cracks me up. (Seriously, she made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my treadmill like three times tonight.)

Anyhow, she was in the middle of telling me a story from school --in very animated fashion, mind you-- when we got home from dance tonight, so I just turned off the engine and let her finish. As I listened --and laughed, because again, funny stuff-- an overwhelming sense of relief and what I can only describe as warmth came over me because it occurred me to me that she doesn't hate high school. In fact, four days in, she seems to enjoy it. So right then and there, as she finished her story, I told her what I was thinking: I told her that I think she's going to love high school and that she'll be sad when it's over. And I was just so, so proud as I said it.

I've said this before so I know I'm being repetitive, but this girl of mine is a survivor, an overcome'r, and an all-around awesome person. My prayer as her time in high school progresses is that she will remember that she's amazing, and that others --the people who will matter the most, at least-- will see just how amazing she is.

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