Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 4

My girl and I went for our customary Saturday shopping trip this afternoon. Our last stop was the grocery store, where she loaded up on yogurt.

Yup, yogurt. She has an affinity for Yoplait Whips.

Anyhow, after I paid, she scooped them all up and headed for the door. She didn't ask for help and I had flashbacks of toddlers proudly exclaiming "ME DO IT!" so I let her manage the little cups all the way out the door and across the parking lot. I did finally help by opening the car door, but otherwise, it was the Abby-show.

Here's my point here: As a parent, I'm often tempted to just do things for my kids that they're perfectly capable of handling on their own because it's faster (or, more simply, because I want to be helpful to them. They are my babies, after all). But sometimes, it's important to let them figure things out --to balance them, let's say-- on their own. Independence isn't the end-all, be-all of human existence --and in fact, I think it often gets in the way of building good relationships, but that's for another entry-- but it's a blessing to see my children take steps toward taking care of themselves. It means they're growing up and maturing, and that's a very good thing.

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