Monday, August 20, 2018

August 20

For some reason, Brady wasn't keen on playing with the other kids at the park after school today. I'm not sure why; last week, he abstained because some were running with sticks (which is a huge no-no and he knows it!), so maybe that was it. But I digress. Since he didn't want to play, we meandered to the office for a spell, and then meandered back toward Isaac's classroom for pick-up. And by meandered, I mean meandered. Very, very slowly.

This little cutie of mine with his sprinkling of freckles penguin-walked --infant penguin-walked, really, because they were some seriously tiny steps he took-- all the way around the school grounds. He was pleased by his exploits and grinned all the while. (He was probably particularly amused because I lapped him repeatedly and beeped at him like he was a car. Hey, I can be goofy, too.)

Anyhow, it's a blessing to have those (literally) slow moments with him. I guess I could view it as wasted time, but I don't really think it is because time spent with family or friends is never wasted. Ever.

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