Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31

Oh, what a day. It began with some residual emotion from last night (which was hard) and continued with a much-needed spur-of-the-moment coffee meet-up (which did wonders for my mood -- thanks Sherrie!). But the cherries on top were the two calls I got from the kids' schools: the first shared that Isaac had been hit in the eye during PE (though fortunately, he's fine and didn't require a trip to the doctor), while the second delivered the great news that Abby threw up. (On the bright side, that means her long-standing fear of vomiting at school has now been realized and she survived.) Anyway, there is an actual point to this random and rambly post.

Brady had a short-lived stomach bug over a week ago. Given that a) those things tend to rip through my house like a tornado and b) I'm virtually always a victim of said tornado, I worried that I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to my friend before she moved (today). I'm a big worrier, but I tried to push aside the fear and prayed --repeatedly-- that no one else would catch it. And then no one else got sick, and I felt confident that we were in the clear. And I got to have that conversation and give the gift I had in person. And though it was hard, it was good, and I needed that interaction in order to put a bow on the past and look toward the future of that relationship.

It's true that a lot of things that I pray for don't come to pass. And that makes sense since God knows what's best for each of us. But I am so very thankful that this particular prayer was granted. (And I'm definitely hoping no one else gets sick.)

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