Friday, October 9, 2020

October 9

It seems like I'm very allergic to something that's blooming near our house, so today was a bit of a rough one. I woke up early because I was congested (and suffering from a runny nose -- talk about a great combo platter!). I plodded around feeling less than great but then noticed we were out of milk, so I decided to buck up and go to the grocery store. I came home, powered myself down, got up to take Isaac to baseball, and then came home and popped Benadryl. Adam picked up Isaac and then got dinner from the Cheesecake Factory. (He's pretty great like that.)

As I sat at the kitchen table with my people-- still feeling awful-- I took a tentative bite of my shepherd's pie and immediately said a prayer of thanks because I could actually taste it.

I think that's a lot of what faith is all about -- being thankful for the small details that power us forward during difficult times. Like being thankful for an individual raindrop that falls because we know it feeds the earth (even if it makes its appearance in the midst of a too-long rainstorm that we wish would just stop already). 

So today, I'm grateful for the reminder that perspective is worth its weight in gold (or in my case, shepherd's pie).

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