Sunday, November 22, 2020

November 22

Yesterday while on a quick stroll, Adam and the boys found a small pile of snow. They apparently had a ton of fun slinging the white stuff at each other, so when they begged to go visit the snow again today, Adam complied. I was in the middle of a task when they left, but when I finished I grabbed Abby and we too went to see the snow.

And voila. This is the pile of snow that inspired so much joy. (I know it's pathetic and gross and dirty. It does not snow where we live so this is as good as it gets.)

Anyhow, I was partly appalled and partly amused when I saw it: appalled because it was truly crusted with dirt and grime and ice. Amused because they did indeed have a ball digging in it and tossing it at each other (and at Chub, who apparently loves snow).

Gross though it may have been, it made me truly happy to see them enjoying themselves. They were, at moments, truly gleeful. And watching them be kids in such a traditionally kid-kind of way is a big blessing to me.

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