Friday, January 1, 2021

January 1

And so another year begins.

It began slowly at our house, with the kids playing video games and me FaceTiming with Kristine and Adam working on the new hammock and the new firepit in the backyard. 

A little later in the day, after us grown-ups returned from a neighborhood stroll, I had a hankering for a Diet Coke so I headed off to Mickey D's. As I drove down the hill in Adam's pretty blue truck, I looked out at the sky ahead and it was... captivating.

It was so captivating that I pulled to the side of the street and took a picture so I'd remember the precise shades of blue and the arrangement of the clouds. In my mind, it almost looked like some sort of airborne superhighway to... who knows where. But somewhere indubitably amazing.

Anyhow, that's the great thing about brand new years like this one we've just begun: they're full of possibility. They're full of new roads to travel and new experiences to be had and new chances for personal growth. And they're full of the promise of something different and, better yet, better. 

So for as-yet unexplored paths that lie just beyond our visibility, I'm grateful.

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