Monday, January 11, 2021

January 11

 Today is my 43rd birthday. And it was a very pleasant succession of hours.

I was awakened at around 9 (I know, I know... I'm a night owl) by the sounds of the neighbors' gardeners going at it with a weed wacker. I padded to the kitchen in my pajamas and found that Adam (who was home but working) had left me a box of chocolates, roses, an interactive card that featured music and lights (and it's quite the spectacle), and coffee fresh from the Mother Ship.

I read a succession of text messages from friends and perused the well-wishes on my Facebook wall, and then ate lunch --pizza and salad from CPK-- in shifts with each of my people. It was quite a lovely treat to have a small bit of solo time with each of them to start off the day.

From there, I went on an adventure (as I call it) which means that I left the house to go... somewhere. And today's somewhere was Michael's, where I indulged in some beautiful, soft new yarn.

Then this evening it was dinner from Hap's (a local steakhouse with very yummy food), silly 'Happy Birthday Sherry' videos, presents, and a cake that featured 43 blazing candles (and lots of sparkles, because as I overheard Isaac noting in the kitchen, "mom really likes sparkles"). (Oh, and the kids were scared of the inferno. But I blew them all out in one breath so bam, no fear required.)

And now I'm back in pajamas, sitting in my usual evening spot with my laptop and the small blanket I started making with one of my new skeins of yarn. I have no idea what this year will hold, but it's a good life and I am grateful for every sweet morsel. (And for the bitter ones that have taught me patience and perseverance and humility and generally helped to transform me into a better person. Those too.)

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