Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 14

Mother's Day is always an introspective sort of day for me.

On one hand --the bigger hand, fortunately-- I reflect on the goodness inherent in being mom to the three wonderful young people in this picture with me. I actually contemplated that gift during church this morning, and as I marinated in the magnitude of that blessing, a strong sense of gratitude arose in my chest. They're good people. Good, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, (and big... seriously, it won't be long before I'm the shorty) people. And that gift is huge. And I am so, so grateful for it. For them.

On the other hand, the smaller but perpetually present one, I'm sad that Logan isn't here with us. That he wasn't part of dinner from CPK or ice cream at Coldstone. And that he missed out on the exuberance-fueled BearBear baseball game (which, interestingly enough, saw BearBear appear as the bat) that took place in the backyard tonight. Yes, I miss him every day, but I feel his absence more keenly on certain days. Like Mother's Day. Today.

But I made it through, and most of it was very, very good. So for that, I am thankful. I'm grateful for what is, what was, and what will be again, whenever Someday rolls around.

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