Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11

We often stop at the Columbia Candy Company as we drive through Murphys on the way home from the cabin, so when Isaac asked if we could today, Adam said sure.

As we crowded into the display area to survey the assortment of chocolates, chewies, and other sweets, Abby suddenly pointed to a box on the shelf. When I craned my neck forward to take a closer look, I saw the words "Logan wrap" in bright orange text.

So naturally, I motioned for the Brositos to join her and snapped a pic. 

It's not every day that I can take a photo that includes Abby, Isaac, Brady, AND Logan, so I took the opportunity. Even if it's just symbolic, it's an awfully sweet sight to me because in my mind's eye, I can see him standing right there with his siblings.

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