Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24

It's painfully clear that our family is well-accustomed to the task of missing someone who can't be with us. It's part of our day to day existence as a unit.

But that truth doesn't mean that we turn a cold heart toward additional times of separation. Nope, they're still difficult. We still miss one another when were apart.

And as of this morning, we're "apart" for a few months because Abby and Adam got up early and headed to the airport for their flight to Chicago. The boys and I got up, too; this was the only image I was quick (and awake) enough to have the forethought to take, and I'm glad I got it because I love it for its raw real-ness.

I still contend that although it would be nice to have her a bit closer, Abby belongs at Wheaton for now. She's grown and matured in so many wonderful ways over the past two years, and I'm certain that she'll continue to do so during the coming year, too.

I'll miss my buddy, but I'm so thankful that she goes to such a wonderful school where she has an amazing group of girlfriends with whom she's already made so many memories.

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