Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28

Another Wednesday, another wonderful Starbucks date with my youngest.

I sipped my blonde roast while he noshed on an everything bagel with cream cheese. 

And it was very good. Very good indeed.

These days it seems like Brady gets bigger and older-looking every single day. It's strange to think that my baby is taller than me, but he is. It's strange to think that he'll be 14 at the end of the year, but he will. It's strange to think that he'll be in high school in just a single year, but he will. I mean, wasn't he just that happy baby standing in a wagon, giving me the biggest cheese smile ever? No? I guess it wasn't. But it seems like it was just a few months ago.

And although it all makes me feel quite old, it continues to be a blessing to watch him (and Abby and Isaac) grow. And I'm grateful to God for the privilege.

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