Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19

Monday is Chick Fil A day at our house. Usually Adam swings through the drive-thru on his way back from the train station, but today said-train was running behind schedule, so I offered to do it instead.

Since Abby and I were already camped out on my bed half-watching a Hallmark movie, we moved the party out to my car and set out on our errand. It was a cool evening, so I rolled the windows down and let the breeze whip and swirl my hair for good measure. And I felt a sense of gratitude for the time I've had with my girl this summer.

She heads back to Wheaton this Saturday and I'll miss having her around. But I know she's going where she needs to be at this phase of her life. And I'm excited to watch her continue to grow and mature, even if I don't always get to see the play-by-play roll out in person. 

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