Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 17

Today, Adam and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary.

Now by "celebrated," I mean we had a mostly normal Saturday that included a very nice walk around the neighborhood followed by napping (for him) and crocheting (for me) before going to dinner at Haps this evening. (Where we both ate too much delicious food, which rendered us fully prepared to vegetate and watch a movie before bedtime.)

So what can I write about the past 22 years? I guess I can start by saying that they've been pretty amazing. Definitely not entirely what I expected when I walked down the aisle in the white gown my mom so carefully and lovingly constructed for her only daughter. But amazing nonetheless. We've experienced great joys and absolutely devastating heartbreak, and we're definitively different people than we were 22 years ago today. More adaptable, more understanding. Hopefully wiser. Certainly more... old. 

But we've weathered every circumstance together, and I feel so blessed that at the end of each day, we're still Us. I love you, hunny! Happy #22!

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