Friday, August 9, 2024

August 9

After the boys got out of school and I finished up with a meeting at church, we hit the road early this evening so we could spend the weekend at The Cabin.

Traffic and our unusually late start-time (and stops at Sonic, Target, and Hobby Lobby) meant that the trip took a bit longer than usual, but honestly, it was just fine. Although Brady (with his long legs) was less than delighted to be crammed into the third row next to some of the luggage, cheerful was the predominant mood nonetheless.

There was lots of good-natured chit-chat, radio sing-a-longs, and even an acapella version of "Let It Go" (because "Frozen" will never go away) performed by Abby and Isaac.

I chuckled more than once from my perch in the front seat as I took it all in: all of the chatter, all of the singing, all of the harmonious sibling'ing by these young people I love so much. The kiddos may be much bigger, but road trips are definitely much easier these days. And I'm very grateful for that.

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