Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13

A steady breeze-verging-on-wind rustled the leaves on the trees as I ventured out to the mailbox after dinner this evening.

It also rustled the flowers out in front of our house, much to my frustration. See, as I passed them, I noticed --for the first time this season, really-- their delicate, multi-shaded petals. And I decided I wanted to take their photo.

But because of that breeze, the little flowers wouldn't stay still. They bobbed and weaved as I struggled to capture the perfect shot. No matter what I did, the wind blew and the little petals moved. And every image was annoyingly out of focus. 

Frustrated by my failed project, I mounted the stairs back to the house, but then I had a thought as I scrolled through those images and noted bits and pieces of sharp, precise loveliness in each frame: even when things seem annoyingly out of focus, they can still be beautiful if you tilt your head in a new direction. 

Our paths my not always be perfectly clear --in fact, they rarely are-- but we can still learn to look for the sweet parts of the journey.

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