Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5

I know I posted about this a few weeks ago, but I had another thought this afternoon as I sat on the bleachers watching Brady throw to his pitching coach. (He's up to 72 mph now, for the record. Not too bad for 13!)

It may come as a shock to those who don't know me in real life, but I'm not much of an athlete. (The rest of you who've actually seen me try to catch a ball can stop snickering now.) So I'm pretty useless when it comes to instructing my boys on, well, anything baseball-related.

So I'm thankful for people who do have the know-how and expertise to teach them. It's such a blessing that we can learn from one another, and that God gives us people who can help fill in the gaps.

Beyond that, I think we can all be gap-fillers, if we're up to it. So that's my challenge to you, if you're reading this: find a way to be a gap-filler this week. It'll be just as much of a blessing to you as it is to the person you help.

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