Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18

A Smurf blew up in my bathroom today.

Just kidding. But this is what I found when I got dressed this morning. Apparently, at some point, Adam's can of shaving gel exploded. There's billowy blue foam all over the shower floor, down the wall and (clearly) stuck to the can. I could be upset about it, but I'm not. Nope. In fact, I'm gleefully amused, because the second I laid eyes on the carnage, a song that my kids sing in preschool came to mind... Jesus' love is bubblin' over..... And it kept repeating itself.

No one likes cleaning up messes, but what a darling reminder of a very simple truth. And I desperately needed to hear it amid the trials of a mentally tiring week.

And the foam being blue, which just happens to be Logan's favorite color ever? Just a bonus.

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