Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3

I won't lie: every time I get within a mile of CHO, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. But life is, in many ways, at least partly about facing your own demons, so I go when I need to go. And today was one of those days. Isaac's been having issues with hearing for the past month, so he was referred to an ENT at... CHO.

I felt a sense of anxiety as I drove into that old, too-familiar parking garage. Said anxiety increased as Isaac, Brady and I rode in the elevator. While we waited to be called back to see the doctor, I thought I might throw up.

But I didn't. And Isaac had a productive visit (ear tubes and adenoid removal in his future, for anyone interested). And we got to see Molly again.

I've posted about Molly before, but just so you don't have to scroll back, I'll remind you that she's the hem/onc NP at CHO. And that Logan absolutely adored her. And so did we. Still do, really. She has a huge heart for the kids she takes care of. And I believe 100% that she loved Logan, too. And that will endear her to my heart forever.

It was good to stand there and catch up for a few minutes. She brought a sense of peace to my otherwise stressful visit. And she told me that she still thinks of Logan, which to a mom like me, means SO much more than I can say with mere words. And for all of that, I'm thankful.

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