Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5

My focus here, from the first of the year onward, has been almost exclusively on positive, happy winks. But I do think it's possible to get quieter, softer, more subtle ones, too. The kind that make you... think. And here's today's:

This afternoon, we went to the park. The temperature dropped 30 degrees today and it was beautiful outside. At one point, the kiddos decided they wanted to swing. And I watched as one by one, they chose their seats. Abby, an empty swing, Isaac, Brady. In that order.

The empty swing.

As soon as I took the picture, the deep significance of the scene hit me like a freight train. I don't know if they did it with conscious intent, but it was so poignant that they sat in their birth order. And that they left a spot for Logan. And not just a spot, but the correct spot.

He's here, in whatever way he can be. And I'm so grateful for that truth. And I'm grateful that he's still so very alive in the other kids' hearts that they continue to include him in their daily routine.

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