Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13

With Brady feeling under the weather, today could've been a frustrating one. But it wasn't, for two different reasons.

I was confused when my doorbell rang before 8 AM, and was so surprised when I answered it and found my friend V standing on the porch holding a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. It was such an unexpected and thoughtful gesture that it really helped to lighten my mood.

As I munched a frosted treat, I tried to figure out how to handle the preschool situation, because of course, I was the scheduled co-op parent, too. (Because you're always on the calendar when your kid is throwing up!) I texted my friend J to see if she could take my place, and even though she had plans of her own, she canceled them because I needed help. Wow. (The strawberries in the image were part of the snack I took over, and as I cut them up, I noticed how they looked like little fruity hearts. It seemed appropriate to include them.)

So yeah: selfless people who think of others rock. And they were total God winks to me, because recent experiences have left me feeling a profound sense of disappointment with so many others. It's awesome to get such tangible reminders that people can be really good, too.

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