Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 7

I was struck by the similarities between my mood and the weather today. It was cloudy and overcast, and then it rained. But it didn't just rain: it raged. It full-on poured, pounding the ground with impressive force, almost as if the drops were trying to work together to beat the earth into submission. And then it finally let up, and the silence came, and this remained:

Yes, I can relate to this kind of weather, especially this time of year. I can relate to raging and ranting and pounding my fists on the ground and asking "why?" And fortunately, I can also relate to the silence that follows those infuriating and painful times; those times when I've cried enough tears and cried out enough that I can finally relax and feel a sense of peace.

And I cling to the promise of that rainbow, too. One day, things will be whole and right and perfect.

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