Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18

As I drove to a doctor's appointment this afternoon, I happened to tune in on part of a conversation Abby and Isaac were having in the back seat.

Abby was turning her head from side to side as she talked. As she faced one direction, she explained that it was her 'good' side, and that when she turned her head that way, people said she was pretty. Then she turned to face the other direction, and explained that it was her 'bad' side, and that no one said she was pretty when she turned that way.

Isaac was quiet for a moment before he said something unexpected: I like you just the way you are. I was so taken aback by his purely kind words that I listened harder for a moment to be sure I hadn't misheard; I hadn't. Even Abby was visibly stunned for a moment as Isaac sang a quick little musical ditty about appreciating people for who they are no matter what. And then the exchange was over.

Those little moments are a huge blessing to me. They make my heart swell with gratitude and make ME a better person.

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