Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 10

Abby's friend H is moving to southern California in a few weeks, so I didn't mind when she asked if they could sit together at church this morning. I turned around and saw them --and their friend G-- smiling and chatting during worship, and my heart sighed a bittersweet little sigh.

H has, over the years, been a good, reliable friend to my daughter. She comes from a truly wonderful family, and I know Abby will miss her very much. I don't fault them one bit for following God's plan for them; it's what they should do.

But my heart breaks a little for my girl, who's seen far too many of her best friends leave over the years. The biggest loss by far, of course, was her Logan. In fact, she was lamenting earlier today during a girls'-only Starbucks run that Isaac and Brady have each other and Adam and I have each other, but Logan is gone, so she doesn't have that special bond with someone else. She's the odd one out.

It's hard to know what to say when she says things like that, because she's not entirely wrong. And I'm sure that every time someone she cares about leaves, she remembers how Logan left and how her friend M left and how things went so wrong with her ex-good friend I. She's experienced a lot of loss. But today, I'm celebrating her friendship with H, and praying for more good girlfriends to come her way in the future.

1 comment:

  1. H will always love A. We will miss you all very very much! My heart was heavy about all of this today. I still have tears in my eyes. I had to move away from my best friend when I was 12 too. What we did was made it a point to see eachother at least once a year and write/call often. I hope our girls will be able to do the same. Abby was a joy to get to know. So funny and kind. She has been a gift for H also. We will miss her! Love, Lara~
