Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June 12

I was sitting at a red light this afternoon while driving Brady home from his swim lesson when I noticed unusual motion in the turn lane next to me. I watched as a man in military fatigues got out of his car, passed the car directly in front of him, and motioned to a person in the little SUV at the front of the line. As military-guy returned to his own car and put his flashers on, the car in the middle backed up and pulled around what I quickly realized was a disabled vehicle. Then military guy walked up behind the SUV, and when the light turned green, he started pushing while the driver steered. I watched him push that car around the corner and into a parking lot before my light turned green.

Now that, ladies and gents, is an example of being Jesus to someone else. This guy saw someone who I'm guessing he didn't even know in need of help, and rather than driving around (as many of us would do), he literally rolled up his sleeves and pushed him to safety.

It was an awesome thing to see because it reinforced the truth that despite the many ugly things I see each day, there are still good people out there doing the right things.

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