Friday, June 22, 2018

June 22

For a number of years now, we've gone out to lunch at Mountain Mike's on the last day of school. It's a way for us to celebrate the end of the academic year while we talk with the kids about their accomplishments. With Adam's work schedule and kid-related commitments, it didn't happen on the last day, but we finally made it happen today (a mere three weeks behind schedule).

We'd already been over the nuts and bolts of their eighth, fourth, and first grade years so there weren't any big surprises, but it was still nice to be able to keep that tradition of ours alive. And of course, it's always a blessing to have a meal together during the day on a weekday since that doesn't happen especially often these days.

With all of that said, an administrative note. This is my 2000th God Wink. I don't have any grand reflections to share, but I thought it a noteworthy milestone. It hasn't always been easy to come up with things to share because I'm painfully human and have days when no matter how hard I try and how much I look, I just don't see God moving. But I'm still here and still trying, and hopefully, every now and then, one of these posts I manage to cobble together will help someone out there to see evidence of God and His presence in his or her everyday life.

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