Monday, June 4, 2018

June 4

A random man struck up a conversation with me while we were sitting in a waiting room this morning. The content of the interaction was simple enough: he eyed Abby, Isaac, and Brady seated together in a trio of chairs, and asked if I had "just the three." I froze for a moment. I always, always explain Logan, but in that moment, I just didn't want to get into it, so I took a long pause before confirming the comment, and I could feel Abby's surprised eyes boring into the side of my head. The guy went on to explain how challenging it is to ferry four kids to all of their appointments and activities, and it didn't sit well with my soul so I sighed and said that yes, I know because I had four before my oldest son passed away a few years ago. He said he was sorry, and then added something that seemed odd in the moment: "I wondered about the gap."

I smiled and nodded, but the reference kept returning to mind as the day wore on: what gap? The physical gap between Abby and Isaac? Or the gap in their ages? Or, when he looked at them lined up, did someone seem... missing?

I don't know what he meant and I guess it doesn't really matter. But today, I'm thankful that a random person minded the gap, so to speak, because it gave me a moment to talk a little about my Sunshine. And that's always a good thing.

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