Friday, June 15, 2018

June 15

Ten years ago last night, after Adam and I followed a dinner date at Stacey's Cafe downtown with a stroll along Main Street, we arrived home and told our baby-sitter Christin (who's now expecting her own little one!) that I didn't think we'd be making it to church the next morning.

I was right, because a few hours later, in a L&D ward so packed to the gills with women readying to have Father's Day babies that the charge nurse said "well, pull out a gurney and set her up in the hallway" when the next laboring mama-to-be arrived in line behind me, Isaac entered the outside world at a little after 1:45 AM. He unexpectedly emerged sunnyside up (which wasn't the most fun for *me*), but his kind temperament, patience, and enthusiasm have been a "bright" spot in our lives ever since.

So today, of course, we celebrated his admission to the double-digit club. There were birthday pictures and lunch at Red Tractor and cake and presents. The latter included tickets to tonight's A's game, so that's where we spent the evening hours, cheering for the home team --who didn't manage to score a walk-off win like they did last year on this date-- and then catching the post-game fireworks show.

It was a busy day and I'm ending it feeling more than a little tired, but I'm thankful to have had the chance to celebrate my third-born child. I am grateful for all of the joy, sweetness, and humor he brings to our family's life. Happy birthday, Isaac!

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