Friday, April 12, 2019

April 12

The last really big event of my tenure as PTA President was this evening: the Spring Fling Carnival.

I moved it from the Fall to the Spring when I created the PTA calendar a year ago (more daylight is better than less, I reasoned at the time), helped set up, stayed the whole time (with my family), and then helped clean-up after the madhouse that was the prize table finally distributed its final trinket (and let me tell you, distributing prizes to a throng of parents and kids can be utterly terrifying), but other than that, I didn't do a lot. But those who did take care of the details did a really great job and I hope they're proud of their efforts because they should be.

As I stood on the blacktop and watched the kids playing games and shooting hoops and having their faces painted and crafting and cake walking and enjoying popcorn and cotton candy, I felt a sense of pride set in. It's been a really difficult term for me in many ways, but the big events we've thrown have been done very well, and I think I'll always feel a sense of satisfaction when I think back on them. And for that, I'm thankful.

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