Saturday, April 13, 2019

April 13

Playing organized sports can be a humbling experience. And this season has been particularly humbling for Isaac's team, who, with five games in the books, sports a less-than-glittering record of 0-4-1. But after an especially tough outing to start the day, the boys headed to the far end of the park for pictures and, as they often do, shook off the dust of the loss and got on with their day.

First this trio spent 10 minutes laughing over a cell phone game. (It sounded like they were gleefully --and fittingly-- running up the score of a simulated baseball game.) Then a little later, as more of their teammates trickled onto the scene, they set up a scrimmage amongst themselves and played until they were summoned for their photo session.

I know it's hard to lose a lot, but like I've said before, I'm thankful that these boys' appreciation of the game supercedes their need to win because there's a whole lot more to life than winding up on top. And honestly, the art of losing gracefully is a pretty important skill to learn.

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