Monday, April 8, 2019

April 8

I don't really know what the deal is this year, but for some reason the terms 'baseball game' and 'rain' seem to consistently appear in the same sentences. After a warm, mostly pleasant day, the clouds rolled in this evening just in time to offer up a nice, soaking sprinkle throughout Brady's third game of the season.

Although the Red Sox didn't get the win this time, Brady took his first turn on the mound as a AA player, tossing 2/3 of an inning and striking out two.

I'm frequently impressed by his composure. Unlike his mom, he doesn't get rattled and virtually always has this calm demeanor, even in stressful situations (like facing a batter with runners on base). Like this evening, he just stood there, glove in place, adjusting his grip on the ball (because it's hard to grip a wet baseball!), chomping on a big 'ol wad of bubble gum, looking like he was mentally compiling a list for our next Target run.

I aspire to achieve that level of tranquility on many levels, so I'm thankful for the example my little Muffin sets for me.

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